Monday, May 31, 2010
Our Nation's Best
Today we remember all the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve our freedom. We owe them a debt we can never truly repay. The least we can do is to ensure the country they died defending on a far flung battlefield isn't lost in Washington D.C..
May God Bless and Keep You.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Obama, The Jobs President
Hey, 400 Temp jobs at 12 bucks an hour are better than nothing. If Yahoo News, a reliable outlet for the left isn't parroting the White House line who will?
Perhaps you saw news footage of President Obama in Grand Isle, La., on Friday and thought things didn't look all that bad. Well, there may have been a reason for that: The town was evidently swarmed by an army of temp workers to spruce it up for the president and the national news crews following him.
Jefferson Parish Councilman Chris Roberts, whose district encompasses Grand Isle, told Yahoo! News that BP bused in "hundreds" of temporary workers to clean up local beaches. And as soon as the president was en route back to Washington, the workers were clearing out of Grand Isle too, Roberts said.
"The level of cleanup and cooperation we've gotten from BP in the past is in no way consistent to the effort shown on the island today," Roberts said by telephone. "As soon as the president left, they were immediately put back on the buses and sent home."
Roberts says the overnight contingent of workers was there mainly to furnish a Potemkin-style backdrop for the event — while also making it appear that BP was firmly in command of spill cleanup efforts.
New Orleans NBC affiliate WDSU reports that the workers were paid $12 an hour and came mostly from neighboring Terrebonne and Lafourche parishes.
News of 11th-hour spruce-up brigade spread rapidly Friday afternoon and infuriated locals. One popular radio host, WWL's Spud McConnell, suggested that the Coast Guard and the White House may have been involved in setting up the "perfect photo op."
Photos of the President picking up a stray tarball or two shows that he cares. I can just imagine the White House advance people instructing the folks cleaning the beaches for the photo-op to leave a few tarballs behind. Maybe they even had someone directing him to the balls via earpiece: "Your getting warmer Mr. President", "Colder", "Red Hot". The beach was scoured to prevent the president from being anywhere close to a oil covered pelican.
The Daily Caller has the goods on President Obama's claim of the crisis geing his "highest priority" from Day 1
Friday, May 28, 2010
Dems Put Campaign Cash Before National Security
The House voted to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" against the wishes of the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs. Notice the common theme of their objections?
They simply want Congress to wait until the Pentagon has reviewed how it will impact our military readiness.
Why is Congress in such an all-fired rush to pass repeal before we even know how it will affect national security? Simple. The gay rights lobby has made no secret that they are very unhappy with the lack of progress on Don't Ask, Don't Tell and they have threatened to close their checkbooks. The DNC has pledged to raise and spend $50million for Democrats who ignored the people's will and voted for Obamacare. Without the financial backing from the LGBT community, the Democrats will be hard-pressed to raise those funds. In essence, the Democrats are putting their re-elections before the safety and security of Americans. The time-table "With Congress having indicated that is not possible" tells all, the review will be completed on Dec 1, but the elections happen on Nov.2.
Congressional Dems are quick to point out and Peter Orzag confirms that the repeal won't happen immediately. How exactly is the White House budget director an expert on military matters anyway? Just asking.
Notice, "the implementation of the repeal", the White House envisions that the Pentagon's review will come to the "correct" conclusion that gay men and lesbians should be allowed to serve openly. It's not clear how the transgendered will be treated in this bill.
As we approach Memorial Day it would be naive and just plain wrong to believe that gays haven't served honorably in our military throughout our history. I'm sure there were gays in Washington's army and Grant's and there are some risking their lives to protect us in Iraq and Afghanistan today. I understand that those in the gay community believe they are fighting for a civil right. But, our national security must come first. The Pentagon should decide, without political pressure from the White House or Congress if it's better to preserve Don't ask, Don't Tell or allow gays to serve openly. By voting to pass repeal now Congress is prejudging and prejudicing the review process. Congress is essentially telling any officer that to oppose repeal is career suicide.
Haven't we learned from the Nidal Hassan affair that political correctness and the military don't mix very well? A look the other way and pray for the best policy implemented while we are fighting two wars could be disastrous. Give the Pentagon time to decide which policy keeps us safest.
"Secretary Gates continues to believe that ideally the DOD review should be completed before there is any legislation to repeal the Don't Ask Don't Tell law," Defense spokesman Geoff Morell said in a statement. "With Congress having indicated that is not possible, the secretary can accept the language in the proposed amendment."
But chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines have objected. In letters solicited by Senator John McCain of Arizona, the senior Republican on the Armed Services Committee, they urged Congress to delay voting on the issue until after the Defense Department completed its report.
They simply want Congress to wait until the Pentagon has reviewed how it will impact our military readiness.
Why is Congress in such an all-fired rush to pass repeal before we even know how it will affect national security? Simple. The gay rights lobby has made no secret that they are very unhappy with the lack of progress on Don't Ask, Don't Tell and they have threatened to close their checkbooks. The DNC has pledged to raise and spend $50million for Democrats who ignored the people's will and voted for Obamacare. Without the financial backing from the LGBT community, the Democrats will be hard-pressed to raise those funds. In essence, the Democrats are putting their re-elections before the safety and security of Americans. The time-table "With Congress having indicated that is not possible" tells all, the review will be completed on Dec 1, but the elections happen on Nov.2.
Congressional Dems are quick to point out and Peter Orzag confirms that the repeal won't happen immediately. How exactly is the White House budget director an expert on military matters anyway? Just asking.
Budget Director Peter Orszag said Monday the Pentagon would still be able to complete a review to "ensure that the implementation of the repeal is consistent with standards of military readiness, effectiveness, unit cohesion, recruiting and retention." The study is to be submitted to Congress by Dec. 1.
Notice, "the implementation of the repeal", the White House envisions that the Pentagon's review will come to the "correct" conclusion that gay men and lesbians should be allowed to serve openly. It's not clear how the transgendered will be treated in this bill.
As we approach Memorial Day it would be naive and just plain wrong to believe that gays haven't served honorably in our military throughout our history. I'm sure there were gays in Washington's army and Grant's and there are some risking their lives to protect us in Iraq and Afghanistan today. I understand that those in the gay community believe they are fighting for a civil right. But, our national security must come first. The Pentagon should decide, without political pressure from the White House or Congress if it's better to preserve Don't ask, Don't Tell or allow gays to serve openly. By voting to pass repeal now Congress is prejudging and prejudicing the review process. Congress is essentially telling any officer that to oppose repeal is career suicide.
Haven't we learned from the Nidal Hassan affair that political correctness and the military don't mix very well? A look the other way and pray for the best policy implemented while we are fighting two wars could be disastrous. Give the Pentagon time to decide which policy keeps us safest.
Don't Ask,
Don't Tell,
Nidal Hassan,
Barry's Bully-Boys(and girls) In Action
This is right out of the Alinsky playbook. In a story full of outrages the biggest is that the police, who take an oath to serve and protect, stood by and watched as the SEIU mob terrorized a 14 year old boy. This is what happens when you are a political/class enemy in Barack Obama's America.
It's no coincidence that the owner of the home is an executive with Bank of America, which just happens to be the SEIU's largest creditor.
How much money did SEIU give the president? What have they received in return?
Next up a SEIU bailout courtesy of the American taxpayer.
It's no coincidence that the owner of the home is an executive with Bank of America, which just happens to be the SEIU's largest creditor.
Under the leadership of Andy Stern, SEIU leveraged itself to the hilt, largely to support Democrat campaign efforts, and now owes the bank around $100 million. The loan payments are likely playing havoc with the union’s finances.
How much money did SEIU give the president? What have they received in return?
Officials say the fast-growing union spent $85 million during the campaign season last year, and that it was well worth it: The Obama administration has appointed union officials to top posts and is backing legislation to make it easier for workers to organize.
"SEIU is on the field, it's in the White House, it's in the administration," SEIU President Andy Stern said in a video to members to mark the Obama administration's first 100 days.
Next up a SEIU bailout courtesy of the American taxpayer.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Romney's Top Ten
The first ten(of 64) bullet points from Mitt's book No Apology.
The book is well worth reading and Mr. Romney makes a compelling case to be the "Mr. Fix-It" our country needs in the White House. Now, if he could only find a way to explain how under Romneycare insurance premiums have gone up in MA 40% while the national average has been 20%. Obamacare is already blowing its cost estimates out of the water and the Republican nominee needs to be in a position to put President Obama on the defensive. Unless Romney can acknowledge the cost over-runs of the plan he championed in MA, he won't be the nominee.
Agenda For A Free And Strong America
1) Promote small business and entrepeneurship(with lower taxes, especially where there is "double taxation", by eliminating outdated and burdensome regulations, by refusing to impose unions on employees, and by enacting tort reform)
2) Stop the trillion-dollar deficits, and spend only what we have. No more borrowing for unnecessary "nice to have" government programs.
3) Publish an annual balance sheet for the country
4) Adopt dynamic regulations
5) Reduce and simplify taxes, especially double taxes that depress job creation. Do not allow taxes to be raised.
6) Adopt a "strong dollar" strategy, including spending restraint and entitlement sustainability reforms.
7) Reform entitlements to make them sustainable in the long term and honor all the promises that have been made to our seniors
8) Adopt an annual budget process for entitlements
9) Reform tort liability to reduce the burden of frivolous lawsuits
10) Stop any new "government-growing" stimulus program
The book is well worth reading and Mr. Romney makes a compelling case to be the "Mr. Fix-It" our country needs in the White House. Now, if he could only find a way to explain how under Romneycare insurance premiums have gone up in MA 40% while the national average has been 20%. Obamacare is already blowing its cost estimates out of the water and the Republican nominee needs to be in a position to put President Obama on the defensive. Unless Romney can acknowledge the cost over-runs of the plan he championed in MA, he won't be the nominee.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Bailout Barry Strikes Again
F.O.B.'s have returned with a vengeance. President Obama has made sure to take good care of the folks who made his election possible. Well, the big-monied special interests anyway, the American people not so much. When the UAW's exorbitant contracts drove 2 of the Big 3 automakers into bankruptcy Obama awarded them the keys to GM and Chrysler and billions of taxpayer dollars to prop them up with. Meanwhile the folks in Louisiana and along the Gulf coast are left to watch the oil come in on the tide. Those permits you requested back on May 11th to erect emergency sand berms to keep the oil off your shores? Why the EPA needs to take the proper time to study how they will impact the wildlife. In other words "those are some nice marshes and beaches you have there, it's a shame you didn't pony up some cash to save them back in 2008.".
Another day another example of pay to play from IBD:
In Obama's White House the federal treasury is at the disposal of the people cutting the big checks to the Democrats. We're just the suckers that are supposed to pick up the tab. Whether you call it: statism, crony-capitalism or gangster government it stinks to high heaven.
Remember in November.
Another day another example of pay to play from IBD:
A bill making its way through the Senate would bail out union pension funds to the tune of $165 billion. The bill's author, Democratic Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, wants the public to pay for the gold-plated union retirement benefits that the funds have mismanaged into oblivion.
This has to be galling to average working saps who watch as their 401(k)s and IRAs plummet, only to be asked to pony up billions of dollars in subsidies for unionized workers — many of whom get to retire into the lap of unlabored luxury while still in their 50s.
Casey's bill isn't the only gift that the White House and Congress have for the unions. Last year, economist and columnist Ben Stein estimated that as much as half of the $862 billion stimulus would go to unions, directly or indirectly. Even that might underestimate organized labor's take.
And just last week, the White House proposed $23 billion in aid to states for education. For education? Well, in point of fact, increased federal involvement in education has had zero positive effect on test scores.
So this money has nothing to do with "the children" or schooling. It has everything to do with teacher unions, which will see billions in payouts from money ostensibly intended for school kids.
In short: bailouts for the unions; higher taxes and penury for you.
In Obama's White House the federal treasury is at the disposal of the people cutting the big checks to the Democrats. We're just the suckers that are supposed to pick up the tab. Whether you call it: statism, crony-capitalism or gangster government it stinks to high heaven.
Remember in November.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
DEMOCRAT: Begins with "D" For Debt
and ends with "T" for tax.
Mr. Volker seems to think that Congress will eventually pass the budget that President Obama proposed in toto. President Obama, along with the majority of Democrats in Congress believes that the U.S. needs to emulate the economic model of Western Europe to make life in America more "fair". This lifestyle doesn't come cheaply. Even with unrealistic economic growth projections the administration envisions trillion plus yearly deficits for as far as the eye can see. What does this level of borrow and spend mean for our country?
If 140% of GDP is hard to fathom, here's what President Obama envisions as a "fair" amount for the government to demand from you.
Since Americans don't collectively earn enough to fork 36 grand over to the federal government per year without ruining our economy, President Obama intends to put it on our country's charge card. What happens when a nation wracks up that much debt in such a short time frame?
In the case of the U.S., the downgrade could come as soon as 2013 at current and projected spending levels. At the same time that President Obama and the Democrats controlling Congress are rushing headlong to remake the U.S. into Europe, the New York Times, a vital cog in the progressive machine notices an inconvenient fact. Europe can't afford to be Europe:
Being the Times, they can't seem to comprehend that trying to be a "lifestyle superpower" in the first place caused the massive debts that are now endangering the "benefits" of todays would be European welfare staters. In short, the economic path that President Obama and his Congressional companions have us on is unsustainable and the proof, Greece, is unfolding before our eyes yet they refuse to see it.
What do this year's budget and the president's ballyhooed "debt commission" have in common? Neither will be finished before this Fall's elections. For the first time since 1974 Congress will not pass a budget. Many have speculated that the Democrats don't want to to go "on the record" endorsing massive spending just before they must face the voters in November. The same goes for the debt commission. Congressional Democrats don't want to be saddled with enacting the massive tax increases the commission is guaranteed to recommend. Remember, Peter Orzag downgraded candidate Obama's promise not to raise taxes on the middle class to a pledge to try not to.
Maybe it's watching too many episodes of the X-Files, but I can't help but wonder that this is more than Democrats being afraid of voter wrath at the polls. Senate rules stipulate that the budget can't be filibustered. What if Congressional Democrats are waiting until after the election to pass a budget with the inevitable VAT tax that the president's commission recommends? With all the shady manoevres the Democrats pulled to pass the nationalization of health care I don't think it's a stretch to believe they would pass a VAT tax in a lame-duck session.
Every incumbent Democrat should have to answer where they stand on President Obama's budget proposal and whether or not they would vote for any tax increase in the lame-duck session of Congress. American voters have a right to know where they stand before they head to the polls.
Mr. Volker seems to think that Congress will eventually pass the budget that President Obama proposed in toto. President Obama, along with the majority of Democrats in Congress believes that the U.S. needs to emulate the economic model of Western Europe to make life in America more "fair". This lifestyle doesn't come cheaply. Even with unrealistic economic growth projections the administration envisions trillion plus yearly deficits for as far as the eye can see. What does this level of borrow and spend mean for our country?
The debt is projected to equal 140 percent of gross domestic product within two decades. Add in the budget troubles of state governments, and the true shortfall grows even larger. Greece’s debt, by comparison, equals about 115 percent of its G.D.P. today
If 140% of GDP is hard to fathom, here's what President Obama envisions as a "fair" amount for the government to demand from you.
Before the recession, federal spending totaled $24,000 per U.S. household. President Obama would hike it to $36,000 per household by 2020 — an inflation-adjusted $12,000-per-household expansion of government.
Since Americans don't collectively earn enough to fork 36 grand over to the federal government per year without ruining our economy, President Obama intends to put it on our country's charge card. What happens when a nation wracks up that much debt in such a short time frame?
The gold-plated credit rating of the United States — an article of faith across America and, indeed, around the world — may be at risk in coming years as the nation copes with its growing debts.
That sobering assessment, issued Monday by Moody’s Investors Service, provided a reminder that even Aaa-rated United States Treasury bonds, supposedly the safest of safe investments, could be downgraded one day if Washington failed to manage the federal debt.
Moody’s said the United States and other major Western nations, particularly Britain, have moved “substantially” closer to losing their gilt-edged ratings.
In the case of the U.S., the downgrade could come as soon as 2013 at current and projected spending levels. At the same time that President Obama and the Democrats controlling Congress are rushing headlong to remake the U.S. into Europe, the New York Times, a vital cog in the progressive machine notices an inconvenient fact. Europe can't afford to be Europe:
Across Western Europe, the “lifestyle superpower,” the assumptions and gains of a lifetime are suddenly in doubt. The deficit crisis that threatens the euro has also undermined the sustainability of the European standard of social welfare, built by left-leaning governments since the end of World War II.
Europeans have boasted about their social model, with its generous vacations and early retirements, its national health care systems and extensive welfare benefits, contrasting it with the comparative harshness of American capitalism.
Being the Times, they can't seem to comprehend that trying to be a "lifestyle superpower" in the first place caused the massive debts that are now endangering the "benefits" of todays would be European welfare staters. In short, the economic path that President Obama and his Congressional companions have us on is unsustainable and the proof, Greece, is unfolding before our eyes yet they refuse to see it.
What do this year's budget and the president's ballyhooed "debt commission" have in common? Neither will be finished before this Fall's elections. For the first time since 1974 Congress will not pass a budget. Many have speculated that the Democrats don't want to to go "on the record" endorsing massive spending just before they must face the voters in November. The same goes for the debt commission. Congressional Democrats don't want to be saddled with enacting the massive tax increases the commission is guaranteed to recommend. Remember, Peter Orzag downgraded candidate Obama's promise not to raise taxes on the middle class to a pledge to try not to.
Maybe it's watching too many episodes of the X-Files, but I can't help but wonder that this is more than Democrats being afraid of voter wrath at the polls. Senate rules stipulate that the budget can't be filibustered. What if Congressional Democrats are waiting until after the election to pass a budget with the inevitable VAT tax that the president's commission recommends? With all the shady manoevres the Democrats pulled to pass the nationalization of health care I don't think it's a stretch to believe they would pass a VAT tax in a lame-duck session.
Every incumbent Democrat should have to answer where they stand on President Obama's budget proposal and whether or not they would vote for any tax increase in the lame-duck session of Congress. American voters have a right to know where they stand before they head to the polls.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Mexican President Trashes U.S. to Dem Cheers
President Calderon commits the diplomatic equivalent of relieving himself in the punchbowl and receives a standing ovation from the Democrats. Two actually. One for demanding the AZ law be repealed and another for demanding a new ban on assault weapons. The only appropriate response to a foreign official coming into the People's House and bashing our country was stony silence, but the Democrats just couldn't help themselves, the urge to blame America first was too great.
For the record this is how Mexico is accused of treating its illegal immigrants:
While the administration was fulminating about the horrific human-rights violation the Arizona law represents, Amnesty International was issuing a report about Mexico’s mistreatment of its own illegal migrants. “Migrants in Mexico are facing a major human rights crisis leaving them with virtually no access to justice, fearing reprisals and deportation if they complain of abuses,” said Rupert Knox, Mexico researcher at Amnesty International. “Persistent failure by the authorities to tackle abuses carried out against irregular migrants has made their journey through Mexico one of the most dangerous in the world.”
The migrants, who are usually attempting to make their way through Mexico to the United States, suffer kidnappings for ransom, robbery, and rape. Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission reports that nearly 10,000 were abducted over six months in 2009. Almost 50 percent of victims said that public officials were involved in their kidnapping. Amnesty estimates that six out of ten migrant women and girls experience sexual violence.
And this guy has the audacity to criticize the law that Arizona recently passed? Those here illegally shouldn't fret too much about being deported. First because the law says the police can only ask for ID as part as a lawful stop ex. traffic violation; President Obama was flat out lying when he said a father could be harrassed while taking his kids out for an icecream. Secondly because the Obama administration just stated it will not comply with a federal law passed by Congress and signed by former President Clinton:
Arizona's new law targeting illegal immigration is not "good government," a top Department of Homeland Security official said in Chicago Wednesday.
John Morton, who heads U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona officials. The best way to reduce illegal immigration is through a comprehensive federal approach, not a patchwork of state laws, he said.
"I don't think the Arizona law, or laws like it, are the solution," Morton said during a visit to the Tribune editorial board.
Mr. Morton your job is to simply enforce our nation's laws whether you like them or not. If you want to make the laws run for Congress, otherwise shut up and do your job.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Bureaucrats Know Best
At the heart of progressive/liberal thought lies the belief that a big government is essential to guarantee true freedom. In the progressive's bible, The Promise of American Life, Herbert Croly describes the ideal form of government as using "Hamiltonian means"(a powerful central government) to achieve "Jeffersonian ends"(individual liberty). Croly understood that such a centralized government required a modern equivalent of the guardians from Plato's Republic(a highly educated and cultured elite) to function properly. We know this unelected, yet powerful elite by the less prosiac term of bureaucrat.
The progressive triumvirate running our country, Obama/Pelosi/Reid understand all too well that while political majorities come and go, bureaucracies last forever. They also understand that because the bureaucracy is not subject to the will of the American people, it is not constrained from acting in ways that politicians who must face the voters are. In the first year plus of the Obama administration the bureaucracy, with a wink and a nod from the president, has been very busy enacting Croly's vision for America.
EPA administrator Lisa Jackson has decided that she must regulate CO2 as a pollutant and with it the entire American economy. The FDA has decided that its mission isn't solely to make sure the food and drugs sold in our country are safe, but to regulate how much salt Americans can consume per day. The FCC evidently growing bored waiting for a wardrobe malfunction on Dancing with the Stars to fine, has decided to regulate the internet. After being rebuffed by a US Court of Appeals in his first takeover bid, FCC Chairman Genachowski has simply decided to reclassify ISP's as telephone networks and regulate them that way. Both the health care law and the proposed financial reform legislation create new federal regulating authorities and yet more bureaucrats to oversee the health care and financial sectors of our economy.
The late William F. Buckley Jr. famously quipped: "I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.". Mr. Buckley's statement was not a condemnation of intellectuals, he simply understood human nature better than Mr. Croly. He realized that while one may posess a first rate mind, it doesn't mean they are free of idealogical blinders and their decisions will be negatively affected by this bias. A Democratic government that is representative of our collective and varied knowledge and skills is a better guarantor of individual liberty than one composed of a largely self-selected and perpetuating elite, however benignly they may rule. We must rein the bureaucrats in before they remake our Democracy into their ideal of good government, leaving the voters on the outside looking in.
The progressive triumvirate running our country, Obama/Pelosi/Reid understand all too well that while political majorities come and go, bureaucracies last forever. They also understand that because the bureaucracy is not subject to the will of the American people, it is not constrained from acting in ways that politicians who must face the voters are. In the first year plus of the Obama administration the bureaucracy, with a wink and a nod from the president, has been very busy enacting Croly's vision for America.
EPA administrator Lisa Jackson has decided that she must regulate CO2 as a pollutant and with it the entire American economy. The FDA has decided that its mission isn't solely to make sure the food and drugs sold in our country are safe, but to regulate how much salt Americans can consume per day. The FCC evidently growing bored waiting for a wardrobe malfunction on Dancing with the Stars to fine, has decided to regulate the internet. After being rebuffed by a US Court of Appeals in his first takeover bid, FCC Chairman Genachowski has simply decided to reclassify ISP's as telephone networks and regulate them that way. Both the health care law and the proposed financial reform legislation create new federal regulating authorities and yet more bureaucrats to oversee the health care and financial sectors of our economy.
The late William F. Buckley Jr. famously quipped: "I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.". Mr. Buckley's statement was not a condemnation of intellectuals, he simply understood human nature better than Mr. Croly. He realized that while one may posess a first rate mind, it doesn't mean they are free of idealogical blinders and their decisions will be negatively affected by this bias. A Democratic government that is representative of our collective and varied knowledge and skills is a better guarantor of individual liberty than one composed of a largely self-selected and perpetuating elite, however benignly they may rule. We must rein the bureaucrats in before they remake our Democracy into their ideal of good government, leaving the voters on the outside looking in.
Herbert Croly,
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
California Follies
How do you spend billions on education and not see improvements in students' test scores? As we are seeing in California, by having teacher's more interested in fomenting identity politics than teaching the three R's.
Last week 4 students were sent home for wearing clothing displaying the American flag on Cinco De Mayo. Who took to the streets to protest the school's outrageous decision?
Where would these students' get the idea that it is somehow "disrepectful" to wear clothing emblazoned with Old Glory in the United States of America? In their classroom.
Live Oak High's description of MECHA is:
This is how MECHA describes themselves:
Our schools' should not be used as breeding grounds to recruit and incite would be revolutionaries; they should give kids an education that allows them to have productive and succesful lives.
As a nation of immigrants we need to respect our different heritages, but never forget that we are Americans first. In this neck of the woods St. Patrick's Day is a huge deal, but no student would be sent home for wearing a shirt to display their love of country instead of something green. St. Patty's and Cinco de Mayo have much in common: they aren't big deals in the either Ireland or Mexico and they have been embraced by America at large as a day to get soused, even if it's a weekday.
Last week 4 students were sent home for wearing clothing displaying the American flag on Cinco De Mayo. Who took to the streets to protest the school's outrageous decision?
About 200 Hispanic teens are marching in Morgan Hill yelling "We want respect!" and "Si se puede!" in reaction to a controversy ignited when the Live Oak High School principal effectively sent four students home for wearing T-shirts with American flags on them during Cinco de Mayo.
Mexican-American students felt the students were being disrespectful on the only day they celebrate their heritage while students sporting red, white and blue said it violated their First Amendment rights.
Where would these students' get the idea that it is somehow "disrepectful" to wear clothing emblazoned with Old Glory in the United States of America? In their classroom.
Mr. Boden and Mr. Rodriguez preside over a high school with various clubs and organizations. As administrators, they must sanction these activities. There is the Anime Club, the Asian Student Union, the Black Student Union, the Drama Guild, the Chess Club, MEChA, the Patriot Club, and a raft of other extracurricular activities from which student can chose to participate.
Live Oak High's description of MECHA is:
MECHA stands for Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán). Aztlán was the homeland of the Mexicas (Mexicas is the root word of Chicano), also known as the people of the earth, who wandered from Aztlán to Tenochtitlan. Aztlán is believed to be located in the southern US and northern Mexico.
The group was [originally] formed to address issues in the Chicano movement of 1969 such as the need for better school conditions (resources, facilities), to learn Mexican studies, have more Mexican teachers, and higher expectations for Mexican students versus encouraging them to go to trade schools or for young Chicanas to stay at home.
This is how MECHA describes themselves:
As Chicanas and Chicanos of Aztlán, we are a nationalist movement of Indigenous Gente that lay claim to the land that is ours by birthright. As a nationalist movement we seek to free our people from the exploitation of an oppressive society that occupies our land. Thus, the principle of nationalism serves to preserve the cultural traditions of La Familia de La Raza and promotes our identity as a Chicana/Chicano Gente.
Our schools' should not be used as breeding grounds to recruit and incite would be revolutionaries; they should give kids an education that allows them to have productive and succesful lives.
As a nation of immigrants we need to respect our different heritages, but never forget that we are Americans first. In this neck of the woods St. Patrick's Day is a huge deal, but no student would be sent home for wearing a shirt to display their love of country instead of something green. St. Patty's and Cinco de Mayo have much in common: they aren't big deals in the either Ireland or Mexico and they have been embraced by America at large as a day to get soused, even if it's a weekday.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Are You A Racist?
The Democratic party and their allies have two overriding objectives: expand the control of the federal government over all sectors of the US economy and brand the Tea Party Movement as a hive of racists. Newsweek is the latest media outlet to play along. They took a poll that was designed to give them the results they were looking for and turned it into a cover story:
Did the respondents claim to hate the fact that a "black man is in the White House" as Jeneane Garofalo surmises? Nothing as blatant as that. They simply answered the following questions in ways that the creator of the poll and Newsweek deem to be racist:
What a shocker, Tea Party supporters tend to hold more conservative than liberal positions on affirmitave action.These questions have the feel of that old Jeff Foxworthy routine "You might be a redneck". Except now its you're probably a racist if you believe in individual responsiblity and limited government.
It's a shame this poll was conducted before all the hoopla over the immigration law that Arizona recently passed. This question could have exposed the racism pervading the tea partiers even further:
"Do you believe the 5 men who shot a sheriff's deputy in AZ should be given amnesty and a path to citizenship?"
If you answer yes you're enlightend; answer no and you're flat out racist. The motives of the left aren't very subtle and unfortunately they don't need to be. They need to keep the meme of racism going as long as they can to convince just enough moderates of the adage "where there's smoke, there's fire" to avoid getting thumped at the polls in November.
If you haven't heard about the attack on the deputy:
Read more:
A new survey by the University of Washington Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race & Sexuality offers fresh insight into the racial attitudes of Tea Party sympathizers. "The data suggests that people who are Tea Party supporters have a higher probability"--25 percent, to be exact--"of being racially resentful than those who are not Tea Party supporters," says Christopher Parker, who directed the study. "The Tea Party is not just about politics and size of government. The data suggests it may also be about race."
Did the respondents claim to hate the fact that a "black man is in the White House" as Jeneane Garofalo surmises? Nothing as blatant as that. They simply answered the following questions in ways that the creator of the poll and Newsweek deem to be racist:
The institute's "2010 Multi-State Survey on Race and Politics" covers seven states. Survey participants were asked what they think of the tea-party movement; those who "strongly approve" were cast as "true believers"; those who "strongly disapprove," as "true skeptics"; and those whose opinions were weak or neutral as "middle of the road." To gauge their racial attitudes, they were asked whether they agree or disagree with the following statements:
• "Irish, Italians, Jewish, and many other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up. Blacks should do the same without special favors."
• "Generations of slavery and discrimination have created conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class."
• "Over the past few years blacks have gotten less than they deserve."
• "It's really a matter of some people not trying hard enough; if blacks would only try harder they could be just as well off as whites."
"True believers" were most likely to agree with the first and last of these assertions and to disagree with the middle two. The opposite was true of "true skeptics," with "middle of the road" indeed producing consistently middling results.
What a shocker, Tea Party supporters tend to hold more conservative than liberal positions on affirmitave action.These questions have the feel of that old Jeff Foxworthy routine "You might be a redneck". Except now its you're probably a racist if you believe in individual responsiblity and limited government.
It's a shame this poll was conducted before all the hoopla over the immigration law that Arizona recently passed. This question could have exposed the racism pervading the tea partiers even further:
"Do you believe the 5 men who shot a sheriff's deputy in AZ should be given amnesty and a path to citizenship?"
If you answer yes you're enlightend; answer no and you're flat out racist. The motives of the left aren't very subtle and unfortunately they don't need to be. They need to keep the meme of racism going as long as they can to convince just enough moderates of the adage "where there's smoke, there's fire" to avoid getting thumped at the polls in November.
If you haven't heard about the attack on the deputy:
Five men suspected of smuggling drugs across the border ambushed a Pinal County sheriff's deputy Friday in a remote area south of Phoenix, underscoring the border-related violence that has catapulted Arizona and its new immigration law onto the national stage.
The rugged desert area where the shooting took place, near the junction of Interstate 8 and Arizona 84 in south-central Arizona, is considered a high-traffic drug- and human-smuggling corridor.
A massive hunt of 100 square miles that included helicopters with night-vision equipment and more than 200 officers, including SWAT teams, from 13 agencies was still pursuing the shooters late Friday.
More than one helicopter came under fire during the evening as officers rescued Deputy Louie Puroll, who had been shot with an AK-47-type weapon around 4 p.m., according to the Sheriff's office
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