Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hatch amendment

Senator Hatch from Utah proposed to amend the health legislation making its way through the finance committee to protect Americans access to health care plans they enjoy. Remember, President Obama has repeatedly stated that if you like your current health care you have nothing to worry about. The text of the amendment: "The purpose of this amendment is simple. If the secretary of Health and Human Services certifies that more than 1 million Americans would lose the current coverage of their choice because of this bill, then this bill would not go into effect.
It seems like a very, very simple but perfect amendment for those of us who have integrity. This amendment is simply trying to safeguard President Obama's pledge to the American people, you'll get -- that you will get to keep what you have.".

Democrats defeated the amendment. It seems clear that the democrats know that this legislation is going to cause millions of Americans to lose their private insurance and be forced on the government plan. The Democrats who voted to strip you of your health care coverage and subject you to rationed care are: Rockefeller (WV), Conrad (ND), Bingaman (NM), Kerry (MA), Lincoln (AR), Wyden (OR), Schumer (NY), Stabenow (MI), Cantwell (WA), Nelson (FL), Menendez (NJ), and Carper (DE). The democrats are looking out for their interests of ever bigger government, not yours. If you end up waiting months to see a doctor as they do in Canada and Britain that doesn't trouble them in the least. They have already voted to ensure that they will never be subject to the government plan.

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