Thursday, May 27, 2010

Romney's Top Ten

The first ten(of 64) bullet points from Mitt's book No Apology.

Agenda For A Free And Strong America

1) Promote small business and entrepeneurship(with lower taxes, especially where there is "double taxation", by eliminating outdated and burdensome regulations, by refusing to impose unions on employees, and by enacting tort reform)

2) Stop the trillion-dollar deficits, and spend only what we have. No more borrowing for unnecessary "nice to have" government programs.

3) Publish an annual balance sheet for the country

4) Adopt dynamic regulations

5) Reduce and simplify taxes, especially double taxes that depress job creation. Do not allow taxes to be raised.

6) Adopt a "strong dollar" strategy, including spending restraint and entitlement sustainability reforms.

7) Reform entitlements to make them sustainable in the long term and honor all the promises that have been made to our seniors

8) Adopt an annual budget process for entitlements

9) Reform tort liability to reduce the burden of frivolous lawsuits

10) Stop any new "government-growing" stimulus program

The book is well worth reading and Mr. Romney makes a compelling case to be the "Mr. Fix-It" our country needs in the White House. Now, if he could only find a way to explain how under Romneycare insurance premiums have gone up in MA 40% while the national average has been 20%. Obamacare is already blowing its cost estimates out of the water and the Republican nominee needs to be in a position to put President Obama on the defensive. Unless Romney can acknowledge the cost over-runs of the plan he championed in MA, he won't be the nominee.

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