Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cap and trade

The President and his willing accomplices in Congress claim they are going to save the planet. Remember that line from his Berlin speech when then candidate Obama claimed that when he was elected the oceans would recede? While Moses required the assistance of God to move waters, President Obama will have Waxman-Markey by his side. For you see, the planet is warming and the only way to prevent castastrophe is to regulate the American economy. The Heritage Foundation has done a study of this bill and the numbers are grim:

By 2035 electricity rates will increase by 90%, gross domestic product (GDP) will be reduced by $7.4 trillion and 1,900,000 American jobs will be lost.

The benefits: A decrease in global temperature of less than 1 degree Fahrenheit.

What these numbers don't tell you is that while the U.S. is destroying its economy to save the planet the Chinese who are already the biggest polluters are going to continue manufacturing and hence polluting full steam ahead. Why should America sacrifice when others do not?

The President points to Spain as model for us to follow. Again, the facts are grim. Unemployment in Spain is 17.5% and they expect it to reach 20.5% by year end. As for Spain's vaunted "Green Jobs program" a study by Dr. Gabriel Cardoza has found that for every green job created 2.2 jobs have been lost. Of those green jobs 2/3 were only temporary, mainly in installation and construction.

America can't afford this much change.

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