The Washington Post has provided a chart of the proposals floating around D.C. and what they mean for you. (click to enlarge). Because this is the same Washington Post that was looking to sell lobbyists' access to members of the Obama administration for $25,000 and up, it's no surprise that they find more benefits than costs to nationalizing health care. For example, while President Obama has been amazingly forthright that his "public option" will require that health care will be rationed, I can't seem to find that as a cost in the chart. They do beat the administration in honesty points for pointing out that to pay for his plan President Obama is going to need to tax employer provided health benefits. During the late presidential campaign, candidate Obama ran 44 million in negative ads against John McCain on that very issue. If the President gets his way the vast majority of Americans will be paying more in taxes and waiting longer for medical care. America can't afford socialized medicine, it's just another boondoggle in the progressives' effort to make the public dependent on the government.
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