This scene is from Ohio, but it is being repeated all over the nation. The government promised to deliver over 100 million doses of H1N1 vaccine by now, they have delivered barely a fifth of that total. My fiance's nephew, who due to asthma is considered high risk, received a dose last week, but it was too late. We found out yesterday that he has contracted H1N1 and at 7 years of age will be quarantined to his room to keep his family from becoming infected. Since we saw him on Friday, when he was technically contagious, my fiance and I are hoping our contact was brief enough to spare us the ordeal that is swine flu. The inability of the government to deliver vaccine and the long lines that develop when some becomes available give a taste of what will happen if the government becomes responsible for providing our health care.
Yesterday Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced that the public option will be included in the Senate bill. It's somehow fitting that since Halloween is this week that the public option has returned from the dead. Gallup just released a poll that shows a majority of Americans do not support the public option and more importantly know that it is more trick than treat. They know it is going to cause their health care costs to go up and their access and quality of care to go down. Obamacare isn't the only thing polling poorly these days, Harry Reid's re-elect numbers are in the toilet. So why is he putting his seat in the Senate in jeapardy to push an unpopular plan? Simple. Harry Reid considers nationalizing health care and the power it will give the government over the lives of Americans' worth the risk. He's also counting on his "opt out" faux federalism provision for states to muddy the issue with the voters; its faux federalism because the taxes to pay for this boondoggle can't be opted out of. How many states are going to "opt out" of a system that their residents will still have to pay for? His ace in the hole is the campaign contributions that he'll receive from the activist left that demands a route to single payer as part of any health care reform legislation. The Reid campaign has already promised a scorched earth campaign next year and they will have the money to make it a reality.
Currently the Democratic Kamikaze caucus stands at two, Reid and Alan Grayson (D-Fl) in the House. How many Democrats from center right districts or states will join the Vegas gambler, Searchlight actually, in his high stakes plan? The Democrats only need to convince a few more members to join their suicidal caucus to make government run health care a reality.