Thursday, June 24, 2010

President Obama Declares War On Arizona

A member of the Redstate community attended a townhall by Sen. Kyl (R-AZ) and filmed this bombshell.

The White House is calling Sen. Kyl a liar. Meanwhile the are going to sue the state of Arizona over its decision to enforce our laws. What started it all?

Fourth-generation Arizona rancher Robert Krentz was found murdered March 27, slumped over his all-terrain vehicle, a murder victim. Authorities traced the suspected killer's footsteps to the Mexican border 15 miles from Krentz's ranch.

In a case of he said/he said between Sen. Kyl and the White House how can you tell who's telling the truth?

Byron York of the Washington Examiner has more:

The Justice Department is preparing to sue Arizona over its new immigration law. The president has stiffed Gov. Jan Brewer's call for meaningful assistance in efforts to secure the border. And the White House has accused Arizona's junior senator, Republican Jon Kyl, of lying about an Oval Office discussion with the president over comprehensive immigration reform. Put them all together, and you have an ugly state of affairs that's getting uglier by the day.

First, the lawsuit. Last week, Brewer was appalled to learn the Justice Department's intentions not from the Justice Department but from an interview done by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with an Ecuadorian TV outlet. "It would seem to me that if they were going to file suit against us," Brewer told Fox News' Greta van Susteren last week, "they definitely would have contacted us first and informed us before they informed citizens ... of another nation."


Then there is the matter of the White House's assistance, or nonassistance, in Arizona's border-security efforts. On June 3, the president, under criticism for refusing to meet or even talk to Brewer, reluctantly granted her an audience in the Oval Office. After the meeting, Brewer told reporters Obama pledged that administration officials would come to Arizona within two weeks with details of plans to secure the border.

June 17 marked two weeks, and there were no administration officials and no plans. There still aren't. "What a disappointment," Brewer told van Susteren. "You know, when you hear from the president of the United States and he gives you a commitment, you would think that they would stand up and stand by their word. It is totally disappointing."

Meanwhile at Arizona's border with Mexico

And those 1,200 National Guard troops President Obama ordered to the border? They're nowhere to be found. In this case of he said/he said it's pretty clear that Sen. Kyl is telling the truth. The White House has no interest in securing our border unless amnesty for illegal immigrants is part of the deal.

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